Adwoa Adusei
Adwoa began dancing at a young age; mostly Ballet, Modern, and African dance in after-school programs from elementary school through high school, eventually becoming a Varsity Dance Captain at the Nightingale Bamford School. Even more than dancing, Adwoa loved choreography and the process of getting ideas out of her head, onto a page, and then into others’ bodies.
At Bard College, Adwoa explored the connections between Somatic therapy and Art therapy to mentor displaced youths. She eventually chose between Dance and Art History as her major and Art History won, going on to complete dual masters degrees in Art History and Library Science from NYU and the Palmer School.
Her love of dance never really went away, and although over the years she’s taken less and less classes, the discipline and creativity that all of those years of dance gave her manifest in different ways. Whether coming up with arts and performance programs at work or being a form of therapy on dance floor, movement has always been a way for self expression and to synthesize the world. At Free Mind, the Studio, and Free Mind, the Company, Adwoa has found a unique and supportive community of fellow movement explorers.