How Being Kind to Yourself Can Change Your Life

Key takeaways

  • Think before you speak: How you choose to describe yourself will make an impact on how kind you act in life. 

  • Take control: Start by uplifting your personal mental health, then use those factors to make other people feel better too. 

  • Full circle moments: Taking care of yourself will make a positive impact on the life you live and the people you share it with.

Think kind thoughts

Take a minute to think: how often do you engage in acts of kindness towards yourself? I’m not talking about the sweet treat you picked up on the way home from work or your new pair of shoes. I am asking, how often do you think kind thoughts about yourself? When I phrase the question that way, the meaning changes. You may participate in activities that enhance your happiness, but are you simultaneously thanking yourself for the work your body has done that day? I think I’ve thrown enough questions at you for now, so just keep them in mind while I walk you through some tips on how being kind to yourself can change your life. 

Think about what you currently do to be kind to yourself, then think of how you can enhance this. Let’s take the sweet treat example. Instead of thinking “I had a long day, so I am going to reward myself with this dessert” think “I have worked hard today and am going to celebrate my accomplishments.” That small switch in your mindset will leave you feeling better about your choices, instead of feeling guilty for having that dessert. Participating in these positive thoughts will benefit your overall happiness! Sometimes we forget that we are in control of our lives. You get to choose how you treat yourself, so act like it! If up to this point your mindset has not always been kind to yourself, it is okay that this readjustment may take time. A quote I love reads “The first thought that goes through your mind is what you have been conditioned to think. What you think next defines who you are.” No one is perfect, it is better to grow from our mistakes than never make them at all.

Help yourself!

Being kind to yourself will benefit your mental health and can help with anxiety and depression. Kindness sounds like a small factor, but widely spread it can go a long way. I’ve just shown you how mindset can dictate an entire point of view, so now connect that to your mental health. During a period of heightened anxiety, understand your body’s needs instead of tearing yourself down for needing care. Similarly, at times of severe depression try to switch that language you are using about yourself. Kindness cannot be a full cure for anxiety or depression, but it is a factor you have control over. A big roadblock in mental health is feeling like you have a lack of control over your body and life, so take the initiative to help yourself where you are able. These actions will strengthen your emotional and mental intelligence. Be kind to yourself now to help your future self later. 

Along with being kind to yourself, it’s also important to share this wealth with others. The way you see yourself will impact how you interact with your peers. You can help to create a chain reaction of kindness. Starting with yourself, then to your friends, then to their friends, everyone will feel the impact of your efforts. While making ourselves happy is important, there is a certain level of happiness that only occurs after helping to make others happy as well! This is a way kindness can change both your life and so many others. Ideas on how to start this work within yourself are mindfulness, self-care, daily reflections, setting realistic goals, and talking highly of yourself. Small practices such as these keep you aligned with your kindness mindset. It is the small efforts and changes that are seen to make the greatest difference down the line. Participate in that domino effect for both you and others.

Show self-love

Everyone has heard the classic Golden Rule “treat others how you want to be treated,” well, the reverse is true too! Remember to treat yourself how you would like others to treat you back. One small act of kindness can reach more people than you may realize. You can make the world a better place by showing positivity! Life is too short not to love ourselves and put that love back into the world. Kindness really is a simple way to turn your life around, boost your mental health, and impact others. Be the person who starts that change in lifestyle. Just think back to a time where someone’s kind actions made a brighter impact on your entire day. Isn’t that feeling something you’d like to reciprocate? I promise that really is the last question for today, so I’ll leave you with this: your life starts with you, and you can start your own kindness now. 

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Abigail Orkin

Abigail is a senior at Pace University studying Communication and Media with minors in Arts and Entertainment Management and Creative Writing. She is originally from Boston, MA where she has grown up dancing and in performing arts since age 3. Abigail aspires to combine her passion for the arts and her education in communications to the entertainment industry. Outside of class, Abigail can be found reading a good book or planning her next travel destination.


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