Daily Habits to Calm Anxiety
Key takeaways
You are in charge: Anxiety is just one factor in our lives, but you can learn to work around it and still live your fullest life.
Six tips: Learn 6 habits you can use to calm anxiety on the daily, while improving your overall quality of living.
Find grounding factors: In any setting remind yourself you have the power over your body and can navigate the world despite anxiety.
Take control
Welcome back to the Free Mind blog! Today is a great day to take control of your life by navigating anxiety. Just the word “anxiety” alone can bring up anxious feelings. Anxiety can be a factor that takes over our lives, let’s try not to let it. I’m here to provide insight on daily habits to calm anxiety. Taking these steps little by little and implementing them into everyday life can be a grounding long term method. If you’re always feeling restless, worried for an upcoming social setting, or just feeling lots of nerves remember that you are in control of your own body. You are not alone! The biggest misconception of anxiety is feeling like no one else understands, I promise many other people understand. Vocalize your feelings to find support and a community.
By having habits that help calm anxiety you are taking charge of your own lifestyle. You may find these tips at your breaking point or just have an inkling that anxiety is a factor in your life. No matter what brought you here today, I’m happy to be with you. I know firsthand the feelings of nerves and stress that anxiety can cause. The tips I’m sharing today are what I have personally relied on to guide me through a tough day. I know these may seem like small ideas, so if the implementation of them is not enough please seek professional help! Taking that first step may be daunting, but they are in our world to help you for a reason. If you take that step, that is the biggest thing you can do to take control of your anxiety. As I am not a professional, for now I’ll share my own experience in hopes this also provides your life balance.
Find your calming method
If you’re a frequent reader of the Free Mind blogs, you may notice some of the advice given here is similar to other notions I’ve written about. Well, that’s because it works! There is truly a core abundance of activities that can improve multiple areas of our lives. Let’s take a look at 6 easy habits:
To start, exercise is one of the most important ways we can keep our mind and bodies calm. For anxiety specifically, yoga is a great outlet! I have been on and off with taking consistent yoga classes for about 8 years now, and there is a notable difference in my body when those classes are in session.
Journaling is another tool I frequently highlight, there’s even a whole blog dedicated to it! To summarize, getting thoughts out of your mind and onto paper frees up so much space in our anxious brains.
Never count out sleep as an important part of our lives, recharge your body so you feel fresh and fierce to take on the day! Try relying on plenty of sleep, instead of plenty of coffee.
Now these next tips go hand in hand: stay hydrated with water and cut back on alcohol! A fun night once and a while never hurts, but more than anything our bodies crave water to thrive.
Finding time to declutter your space or socialize are two of the most overlooked factors, having a clean space and being able to come home to a clean space will give you incentive to see people more! I know it can feel extremely overstimulating to have too many plans and not enough time for yourself, so make sure you’re creating those personal boundaries.
All in all, be kind to yourself! I have also written a blog dedicated to this topic, because at the end of the day it’s us we must hold onto.
Stay grounded
After a day that may have been anxiety inducing, take a deep breath because you did it! Honestly, out of all the things I’ve written about, deep breaths are one of my biggest grounding factors. It is a moment you share with only yourself; you can close your eyes and open them to a more calming aurora. The 3-3-3 rule is one final piece of advice I can give to you: name 3 things you see, 3 sounds you hear, and move 3 parts of your body. Specifically in new settings where you feel anxious from the unknown, always remind yourself of your surroundings. Finding the grounding factors in your own life should feel natural, that’s how you’ll know it’s the right calming habit for you. Even in the tough times, practice gratitude towards yourself. Each day you complete is one more day you did not let anxiety get the best of you! You are in control; I will keep reiterating that until it clicks. These tips can help prove to yourself that you navigate your own lifestyle. Take charge, feel confident, and never look back!